Hi, We're Jems

In coming up with sex ed that’s actually relevant, Jems consulted with 20 young people from around the world. Influential youth living in London, Paris, Montreal, Mexico City, Vancouver, New York, and Jakarta – from São Paulo, Virginia, Cameroon, and Melbourne, Australia. Through the last months of 2020 and the first of 2021, Jems talked candidly on the phone with these thought leaders about their experiences of sex ed, whether from school or the school of life; about what they’re struggling with; what they desire; and what they are looking forward to once life is less... pandemic.

Something Jems learned from our intimate phone calls is that, in terms of sex ed – while no amount of study can replace real life experience – hearing from someone who feels real, who we can relate to, is also very very helpful. Everyone we spoke to said that they received the best counsel and intel from people who are or feel close to them. It’s your friend’s older sibling or cool parent; a slightly more mature co-worker; a young teacher who’s like a mentor; writers, artists, vloggers, and TikTok creators you trust; or that hilarious person who works at an organization or clinic you’re frequenting – this is who is giving real sex ed. Role models. Also, of course, friends. It’s this world of intelligence – real people sharing the wisdom and knowledge they’ve gained from experience – that Jems will be calling upon. Meaningful stories to compliment field-tested facts. 

This is who is giving real sex ed

Jems is a condom brand that recognizes you can’t just offer a safer sex product, because sex isn’t a product. Sex can be about love, power, pleasure, play, connection, distraction, exploration, affirmation, stress relief, or Sacred Energy eXchange. Sex is ancient and being revolutionalized. It’s personal, social, political, and spiritual. Some say it’s overrated. We’re open to that perspective. Jems sex ed is about bringing together multiple points of view and voices from a plurality of sex and gender expressions, including those who identify as uncertain, label-free, or experimenting. We’ll be talking candidly about sex and everything that relates to it – from how to actually make decisions, like who is worthy of your body, to mood, money, love, language, and the mystery of chemistry.

You can't just offer a safer sex product, because sex isn't a product

Our first offering is a series of manifestations and manifestos inspired by needs and desires we’ve been hearing on social media, among our extended communities, and in art, as well as those our consultants confided in us. On this portal – and on our social – we’ll explore share tips on how to seek change from within (or with spirit) and we’ll dig into the power of making demands as a group. Whether you have a manifestation/manifesto practice or not (maybe you’re new to it, maybe you’re skeptical of it!), we hope at the very least that the statements we share will entertain and expand your awareness. 

With love,
