Jems Loves MILFS: Jems Co-founder Yasemin Emory on Embracing the Shit Show
Jems Loves MILFS is a series in which we ask moms of all kinds what gives them life. From art moms to aunties, grandmothers to Godmothers, single moms, queer moms, pet moms, and the mother within—Jems honors mothering as an energy and a force, as a mode of service and protection, as labor (hard work!), creativity, love and dedication, and as a very sexy thing.
Mother of two young children and co-founder of Jems, Toronto-based Yasemin Emory teaches us about surrender, acceptance and trusting one’s instincts in the beautiful shit show that is a mom’s life.
What’s something you do just for yourself?
"I’m working on allowing myself to be alone. Even with a great support system, it can be really hard to step away. Right now I cherish time I get to play music and engage in any kind of movement. ALL. BY. MYSELF."
In what ways do you feel sexier or empowered more by your body now since becoming a mom?
"After struggling to get and stay pregnant, I’m so grateful that my body was able to carry and deliver two healthy babies. Seeing what your body can do really changes the way you look at yourself in the mirror. I’ve learned to be more forgiving of the things I used to consider flaws and that feels really good."
Nothing can prepare you for the transition to motherhood but what do you wish you were more prepared for?
"I’m not sure I could have ever prepared for this but I wish I learned to let go of trying to control everything sooner. It’s okay not to love every minute of motherhood but it really helps if you embrace the beautiful shit show."
“It really helps if you embrace the beautiful shit show.”
What is your proudest mom moment?
"Seeing my daughter exhibit empathy and compassion for her baby sister. That and surviving bedtime every night."
What do you wish for moms around the world?
"There’s a LOT of noise when it comes to parenting “advice." I wish for every mom to be able to cut through it and trust their instincts when it comes to making choices for their baby and for themselves."