From Binders to Book Clubs with P10
Project 10 (P10) is a meeting place and advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersex, queer, trans, two-spirit, and questioning youth ages 14-25 in Montréal, QC. In celebration of Pride, 10% of Jems June webshop proceeds will be forwarded to P10.
We caught up with Project 10’s Logistics and Communications Assistant Pasha April Partridge to learn more about P10 programs and purview.
JEMS: Thanks so much for connecting with us and doing what you do. Jems was first introduced to Project 10 by a friend of a friend who had benefited from your gender gear program. Could you tell us a bit about that initiative, and how people can access it?
Pasha: "Our gender gear program is an initiative to provide free gender affirming articles to trans and non-binary youth who are often faced with insurmountable challenges to accessing gear on their own as a result of financial constraints and/or a lack of support in their homes. When folks want to access the program, they can talk to one of our staff at the drop-in support groups or contact our Trans Activities Coordinator directly to get more info on our program and to place an order with us. It's as simple as that and totally free!"
We’re so impressed with how many of your services have moved online during the pandemic. How was that shift? What programs are thriving the best in a digital context?
"We're actually really proud of how well we handled the shift to online services! The moment the pandemic was announced, we had a big team meeting and moved our services online that same week! In terms of what is thriving best, I would say it's certainly our teen group that went from biweekly meetings to weekly meetings in order to meet the new increased demand."
Project 10 services youth ages 14-25. It seems like many members of your team and leaders in your community are also young. What are the benefits of a youth organization that’s led by youth? What happens when young people support each other?
"You're right! Over half of our team is within our age mandate, and no one is over 30, including our Executive Director who is only 24! Being a youth organization and being led by youth allows us to connect on a more personal level with our members and we are able to set a bright example for youth as we empower them and help support their well-being. I think that young people showing solidarity for the folks in our own communities is one of the coolest things to get to witness day after day working at Project 10."
Are there any books, movies, shows or podcasts that have been helping the P10 community get through the past year? Things you'd recommend to LGBTQ2IAP+ youth anywhere?
"Actually, Project 10 is hosting a book club this summer! We won't give any spoilers to the book they're reading, but folks can make sure to stay tuned to what's happening so that they can sign up once registration opens (@p10montreal on Instagram). Also, it's funny that you ask about tv shows because I was actually featured in episode 10, season of “Working It Out Together,” where I talk all about my budding two-spirit identity."
What are you and the P10 community looking forward to this summer as more people in Montreal get vaccinated and things open up?
"If we had to pick one thing that we're excited about and looking forward to is our Ballroom for Community end of the year Kiki this July!"