safer sex for all

We are a safer sex brand with the best body-safe condoms and lube made of natural latex and pH-neutral 100% silicone, nothing more! Jems is committed to tackling an outdated industry and amplifying the voices of a multiplicity of gender and sexual expressions. Jems is cultivating a community that celebrates condom use and safer sex practices! Cum join us ;)

why jems?

Jems was built on the desire to naturalize sex and condom use, and disrupt a toxic industry.

Longtime friends and collaborators Whitney and Yasemin noticed the condom aisle was incredibly dated and problematic. Traditional condom packaging reflects a limited view of sexuality; from unappealing aesthetics to messaging that speaks primarily to specific gender and sexual stereotypes. Condoms lack the transparency and main character energy they deserve!

With their 5 combined children in mind, they created Jems to ensure future generations have a much more open, informed and positive relationship with sex.

Jems x Sexfluent

Jems is proud to be the condom and lube of choice for Sexfluent, a youth-driven resource on sexual + mental health and harm reduction by the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR)—and we’re thrilled to have Sexfluent as our official sex education partner!

It was an obvious choice to link up with a brand that so closely aligns with our values and believes in the same things we do at Jems: sex positivity, queer inclusivity and the dismantling of patriarchal barriers around sexual health.

Our shared mission is to engage, educate and empower you to celebrate condom use and safer sex practices!

let's stay in touch @jemsforall